Bihar Vidhan Parishad Sachivalaya (BVPS), Patna, has released the online admit card for the recruitment of Reporters (Prativedak) for 11 vacancies. Both eligible male and female candidates who are interested can download their admit cards from the Bihar Vidhan Parishad official website,, starting from February 5th, 2024. This recruitment is for the Bihar Legislative Council Secretariat (BLCS).
There are a total of 11 vacancies available for the recruitment process. These vacancies present an opportunity for individuals seeking employment in the specified role. With a limited number of positions, candidates are encouraged to thoroughly review the eligibility criteria and submit their applications promptly
Eligibility Criteria:
Eligibility Criteria
Graduation from a recognized university
– Stenography speed: 150 words per minute in Hindi
– Typing Speed: 35 words per minute in Hindi and English
– Certificate in Computer Course approved by AICTE or recognized by
– Equivalent proficiency as per Government standards
Additional Note
Candidates with 140 wpm shorthand speed may be considered under the
condition of passing the 150 wpm test within one year
The Bihar Vidhan Parishad Reporter Salary for 2024 is structured under Pay Scale Level-9, ranging from Rs. 53,100/- to Rs. 1,67,800/- per month. In addition to the base salary, appointed reporters are entitled to receive various other allowances as per the government rules. These allowances may include but are not limited to Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport Allowance (TA), and Medical Allowance.