
Conjunction: Definition, Types, Examples, Exercises

Conjunction is the invisible threads that weave the fabric of language together. From connecting thoughts to shaping the flow of communication, these unassuming words play a pivotal role in crafting coherent and expressive sentences. Just as a skilled artist mixes colors on a palette to create a masterpiece, writers and speakers use conjunctions to blend words, phrases, and clauses into compelling narratives and clear ideas.

Conjunction Definition:-

A conjunction is a grammatical part of speech that functions as a word or a group of words used to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences within a sentence. Conjunctions serve to establish relationships between the connected elements, indicating how they are related to one another in terms of meaning, time, cause and effect, condition, contrast, or purpose. Conjunctions play a pivotal role in constructing coherent and well-structured sentences, enabling effective communication by showing the logical connections between different parts of a text.

Types of Conjunction:-

There are 3 types of Conjunction.Lets Understand this one by one:-

1. Coordinating Conjunctions:

These conjunctions connect words, phrases, or independent clauses that are of equal grammatical importance. Frequent coordinating conjunctions comprise “and,” “but,” “or,” “nor,” “for,” “so,” and “yet.”

2. Subordinating Conjunctions:

These conjunctions introduce subordinate (dependent) clauses that cannot stand alone as complete sentences. Subordinating conjunctions indicate a relationship of dependence between the subordinate clause and the main (independent) clause. Examples include “because,” “although,” “since,” “if,” and “while.”

3. Correlative Conjunctions:

Correlative conjunctions are pairs of words that work together to connect elements in a sentence. They emphasize balance and parallelism in sentence structure.
Examples comprise “both…and,” “either…or,” “neither…nor,” “not only…but also,” and “whether…or.”

Examples :-

  1. Coordinating Conjunction:
    a. “I woke up early, for I had a busy day ahead.”
    b. “She enjoyed the movie, although the ending surprised her.
  2. Subordinating Conjunction:
    a. “While she was reading, the cat napped in the sun.
    b. “If it rains tomorrow, we will stay indoors.”
  3. Correlative Conjunctions :
    a. The view was such that we couldn’t stop taking pictures.
    b. “She is both intelligent and hardworking.”

Conjunction Words:-

S.No.Conjunction wordsExample
1.ForI went to the store, for I needed some groceries.
2.AndShe likes to read novels, and she also enjoys watching movies.
3.NorHe neither eats meat nor consumes dairy products.
4.ButI wanted to go, but I had to stay home.
5.OrYou can have tea or coffee for breakfast.
6.YetShe tried her best, yet she couldn’t win the competition.
7.SoThe weather was bad, so we canceled the picnic.
8.BecauseI stayed home because it was raining.
9.AlthoughAlthough he studied hard, he didn’t pass the exam.
10.SinceSince it’s your birthday, we’re throwing a party.
11.IfIf you study well, you’ll do well on the test.
12.UnlessYou won’t succeed unless you put in the effort.
13.WhenI’ll call you when I get home.
14.WhileHe listened attentively while the teacher explained.
15.Both…andShe is both smart and kind.
16.Either…orYou can either come with us or stay home.
17.Neither…norNeither the dog nor the cat likes water.
18.Not only…but alsoNot only did he finish his work, but he also helped others.
19.Whether…orWhether it’s hot or cold, I’ll go for a run.
20.As…asShe is as talented as she is hardworking.
#Conjunction Words

Subordinating Conjunctions Examples:-

  1. Because: She stayed indoors because it was raining heavily.
  2. Although: Although he was tired, he continued working on his project.
  3. Since: Since it’s a holiday, we’re planning a family trip.
  4. If: If you study hard, you’ll do well in the exam.
  5. Wherever: Wherever I go, I take my favorite book with me.
  6. When: I’ll call you when I reach the airport.
  7. While: While I was reading, my brother was watching TV.
  8. After: After she finished her homework, she went to bed.
  9. Before: Finish your chores before you go out to play.
  10. As: As I opened the door, the cat ran inside.
  11. Although: Although the movie was long, I enjoyed it.
  12. Since: Since it’s getting late, we should head home.
  13. If: If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask.
  14. Because: She missed the train because her alarm didn’t go off.
  15. While: While she worked, he prepared dinner.
  16. Since: Since the store was closed, I couldn’t buy groceries.
  17. After: After he left, I realized I forgot my keys.
  18. Before: Read the instructions before you start assembling.
  19. As if: He acted as if he hadn’t heard the news.
  20. Unless: I won’t be able to attend unless the meeting is rescheduled

Coordinating Conjunction Examples:-

  1. For: She enjoys painting, for it allows her to express her creativity.
  2. And: I like both chocolate and vanilla ice cream.
  3. Nor: He neither likes coffee nor tea.
  4. But: She wanted to go, but she had to stay home.
  5. Or: You can choose to have pizza or pasta for dinner.
  6. Yet: The weather was rainy, yet they decided to go for a walk.
  7. So: The concert was sold out, so we couldn’t get tickets.

Conjunction Sentence:-

  1. She enjoys reading novels, and she also loves writing short stories.
  2. He missed the bus because he overslept this morning.
  3. You can either join us for lunch or meet us later at the museum.
  4. She studied diligently, but she still found the math problem challenging.
  5. If I win the lottery, I’ll travel the world.
  6. Both the cat and the dog were napping in the sun.
  7. Neither rain, nor snow could stop him from reaching his goal. 
  8. Although she was tired, she managed to finish her presentation.
  9. Scarcely had I finished speaking when the phone rang.
  10. Although it was challenging, he completed the project.

Time Conjunctions:-

  1. After: She went for a run after finishing her work.
  2. Before: He always double-checks his work before submitting it.
  3. When: We’ll go to the beach when the weather gets warmer.
  4. While: She listens to music while she exercises.
  5. Until: He will stay at the library until he finishes his research.
  6. Since: She has been learning the piano since she was a child.
  7. As soon as: I’ll call you as soon as I reach the hotel.
  8. Whenever: Whenever it rains, they play board games indoors.
  9. During: She reads a book during her daily commute.
  10. By the time: By the time I arrived, the meeting had already started.
  11. At the same time: They both arrived at the same time for the party.
  12. Now that: Now that the project is complete, we can relax.
  13. As long as: You can stay as long as you want at the park.
  14. Since: Since the event is in the evening, we have the whole day free.
  15. While: While he was working, I was studying.
  16. Before: Before she left, she wrote a note for her roommate.
  17. After: After the concert, they went out for dinner.
  18. When: I’ll call you when I’m ready to leave.
  19. Since: Since they moved to the city, their lives have been busier.
  20. While: While waiting for the bus, he read a magazine.

30 Examples of Conjunction:-

  1. She likes both coffee and tea.
  2. He wanted to go to the party, but he had to work.
  3. They were tired, yet they continued hiking.
  4. You can have either the chocolate cake or the vanilla one.
  5. He laughed heartily, so did everyone around him.
  6. The sky was gray, yet the sun peeked through the clouds.
  7. I could stay home or go to the party, I hadn’t decided.
  8. I wanted to travel, for I needed a break.
  9. She loves reading novels, and she’s also fond of poetry.
  10. He’s an excellent athlete, yet he’s also a top student.
  11. Because it was raining, we stayed indoors.
  12. Although he was tired, he attended the meeting.
  13. She’ll come if the weather improves.
  14. Neither rain, nor snow could stop him from reaching his goal.
  15. Before you leave, don’t forget to lock the door.
  16. Since you’re here, let’s discuss the project.
  17. She spoke softly but confidently, her words carrying weight.
  18. She managed to finish the puzzle although it was difficult.
  19. They stayed inside due to the heavy rain.
  20. He reads a book before he goes to bed.
  21. Though exhausted, she pushed on, determined to finish the race.
  22. You can either come with us or meet us later.
  23. Since she practiced diligently, her piano playing had improved dramatically.
  24. She’s not only intelligent but also very creative.
  25. Both my sister and my brother enjoy playing chess.
  26. Either you help clean up, or you’re not invited next time.
  27. Not only did she dance, but she also sang beautifully.
  28. Whether it’s raining or sunny, I’ll go for a walk.
  29. She’s neither a vegetarian nor a vegan.
  30. Both the cat and the dog were napping peacefully.

and Conjunction:-

  1. She loves to read novels and write poetry in her free time.
  2. He enjoys playing basketball and swimming at the local pool.
  3. They went to the park and had a picnic on a sunny day.
  4. She’s both a talented singer and an accomplished pianist.
  5. He studied for the math test and practiced his guitar skills.
  6. The movie was entertaining, and the popcorn was delicious.
  7. She’s creative and hardworking, which makes her an asset to the team.
  8. He likes both chocolate and vanilla ice cream.
  9. The concert was energetic, and the crowd was enthusiastic.
  10. She’s intelligent, dedicated, and friendly, making her a great leader.

10 Example of Conjunction in a Sentence:-

  1. She likes both coffee and tea for breakfast.
  2. He wanted to go to the store, but it was closed.
  3. If I had known the consequences, I wouldn’t have made that decision.
  4. She’ll come if she finishes her work on time.
  5. I’ll call you when I’m ready to leave.
  6. They stayed inside because of the heavy snowfall.
  7. Either you help with the preparations, or you won’t be invited.
  8. She not only sings well but also plays the guitar.
  9. Both the cat and the dog were napping in the sun.
  10. She spoke with conviction, as if her words held the key to a hidden truth.

adverbial Conjunctions:-

Adverbial conjunctions, also known as conjunctive adverbs or adverbial connectors, are words that serve as a bridge between two independent clauses. They function as adverbs and indicate relationships of time, cause and effect, contrast, purpose, and more between the clauses.

Examples of adverbial conjunctions:

  1. consequently: The rain continued for days, consequently, the roads were flooded.
  2. Therefore: He practiced daily; therefore, he improved his skills
  3. Meanwhile: She was reading a book; meanwhile, her brother was watching TV.
  4. Nevertheless: She’s been busy; nevertheless, she finds time for hobbies.
  5. Furthermore: He’s a talented musician; furthermore, he’s an excellent writer.
  6. Moreover: The weather was sunny; moreover, the air was fresh and cool.
  7. Nonetheless: The movie was long; nonetheless, it was quite engaging.
  8. Similarly: She enjoys painting; similarly, her sister loves sketching.
  9. On the other hand: He likes adventure sports; on the other hand, she prefers yoga.
  10. In addition: She’s good at math; in addition, she excels in science.

Preposition and Conjunction:-


Prepositions are linguistic elements that indicate the connection between a noun or pronoun and other words within a sentence. They typically indicate location, direction, time, manner, or possession. Prepositions often come before nouns or pronouns, forming prepositional phrases that provide additional information about the nouns or pronouns they modify.

Examples of prepositions:

in, on, under, behind, before, after, during, with, without, among, between, beside, across, through, around, above.

Example sentence using a preposition:

She’s sitting on the bench.


Conjunctions are linguistic elements that link words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence.They help establish relationships between these connected elements, such as showing contrast, adding information, indicating cause and effect, and more. Conjunctions can be coordinating, subordinating, or correlative, as mentioned in previous responses.

Examples of conjunctions:

and, but, or, so, because, although, if, while, either…or, neither…nor.

Example sentence using a conjunction:

He studied hard, furthermore, he got excellent grades.
While prepositions and conjunctions both play important roles in sentence structure, prepositions indicate relationships between nouns or pronouns and other words, while conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses to establish relationships between ideas within a sentence.

Conjunction Chart:-

andShe likes both coffee and tea.Adds similar ideas.
butHe wanted to go, but he had to work.Expresses contrast or contradiction.
orYou can have either pizza or pasta.Presents a choice.
norNeither the cat nor the dog likes water.Indicates a negative choice.
forI went to the store, for I needed groceries.Explains a reason.
soIt started raining, so we stayed indoors.Indicates cause and effect.
yetThe weather was hot, yet they went hikingAdds information that contrasts.
becauseI stayed home because it was raining.Explains the reason for an action.
AlthoughAlthough he was tired, he attended the meeting.Contrasts two ideas.
sinceSince it’s a holiday, we’re planning a tripIndicates cause and effect or reason.
ifIf you study hard, you’ll do well in the exam.Introduces a condition.
unlessYou won’t succeed unless you put in effortStates a condition that must be met.
whenI’ll call you when I get home.Indicates time.
whileShe reads a book while she commutes.Indicates two actions happening together.
beforeFinish your work before you go out to play.Indicates order of events.
afterAfter the concert, they went out for dinner.Indicates order of events.
both…andShe’s both intelligent and hardworking.Emphasizes two qualities.
either…orYou can either come with us or stay home.Presents a choice between two options.
neither…norNeither the car nor the bike was available.Indicates the absence of both options.
not only…but alsoNot only did she dance, but she also sangIndicates addition of ideas.
whether…orWhether it’s sunny or raining, I’ll go out.Presents two possible options.
both…andBoth the cat and the dog were napping.Emphasizes two subjects.
#Conjunction Chart

Check your Understanding of Conjunctions:-

Exercise 1: Coordinating Conjunctions

Choose the correct coordinating conjunction
1.She enjoys reading novels __ watching movies.
a) and
b) but
c) or

2. He’s not only a talented musician __ also a skilled painter.
a) and
b) but
c) or

3. I wanted to go for a walk __ it started raining.
a) and
b) but
c) so

Exercise 2: Subordinating Conjunctions

Select the appropriate subordinating conjunction to complete each sentence.

  1. He missed the bus __ he overslept.
    a) because
    b) if
    c) although
  2. She’ll come to the party __ she finishes her work.
    a) unless
    b) if
    c) when
  3. __ it rains tomorrow, we’ll have to cancel the picnic.
    a) Since
    b) Until
    c) While
Exercise 3: Correlative Conjunctions

Choose the correct pair of correlative conjunctions

  1. _ the sun shines _ the wind blows, we’ll have a good day.
    a) Either…or
    b) Neither…nor
    c) Both…and
  2. She’s _ intelligent _ hardworking.
    a) Either…or
    b) Not only…but also
    c) Both…and
  3. _ you help with the decorations _ you won’t be allowed to join the party.
    a) Whether…or
    b) Either…or
    c) Neither…nor



  1. because
  2. if
  3. Since
  1. Both…and
  2. Not only…but also
  3. 3.Either…or

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on conjunctions:-

1. What is a conjunction?

A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, clauses, or sentences within a sentence. It helps establish relationships between these elements, indicating how they are related in terms of meaning, time, cause and effect, contrast, or purpose.

2. What are the different types of conjunctions?

Three primary categories of conjunctions exist: coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and correlative conjunctions. Coordinating conjunctions include “and,” “but,” “or,” “nor,” “for,” “so,” and “yet.” Subordinating conjunctions include “because,” “although,” “since,” “if,” and “while.” Correlative conjunctions include pairs like “both…and,” “either…or,” “neither…nor,” and “not only…but also.”

3. How do coordinating conjunctions work?

Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses of equal grammatical importance. They can be used to indicate addition, contrast, choice, result, and more within a sentence.

4. What is the role of subordinating conjunctions?

Subordinating conjunctions introduce dependent clauses that lack the ability to function independently as complete sentences. They establish relationships of cause and effect, time, condition, and more between the dependent clause and the main (independent) clause.

5. How do correlative conjunctions function?

Correlative conjunctions are pairs of words that work together to connect elements in a sentence. They emphasize balance and parallelism in sentence structure while conveying various relationships.

6. Can conjunctions be used to start a sentence?

While it’s less common, conjunctions can start a sentence to create a stylistic effect. This usage is more common in informal writing and speech.

7. What are adverbial conjunctions?

Adverbial conjunctions, also known as conjunctive adverbs, are words that function as both adverbs and conjunctions. They connect independent clauses and provide information about relationships like contrast, cause and effect, time, and more.

8. How do conjunctions improve writing and communication?

Conjunctions enhance writing by improving sentence structure, adding coherence, and creating logical connections between ideas. They help convey complex relationships and ensure that information is presented in a clear and organized manner.

9. Can a single sentence contain multiple conjunctions?

Yes, a single sentence can contain multiple conjunctions, especially in complex sentences. These conjunctions work together to create a nuanced flow of ideas and information.

10. How can I improve my understanding of conjunctions?

Practice is key. Engage in exercises that involve identifying and using different types of conjunctions. Analyze well-constructed sentences and texts to observe how conjunctions contribute to their coherence and meaning.

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